Peace & Smile Carnival Interview / the GazettE on "DISTRESS AND COMA"

I crop this from musicjapan+


-First of all, congratulations on the great success of the PS COMPANY 10th anniversary concert, Peace & Smile Carnival. Today, we’d like to look back the event, which is still burning in our minds, and ask about the GazettE in 2009. Thank you for giving us this interview today.

”Thank you, too!”

-First, please tell us how you feel now, just after the 10th anniversary concert.

Reita “Well, right after the event, I felt like “I’ve done it.” In both a good way and a bad way…(Laughs).”

-Tell me what you mean exactly by the “good way”.

Reita “We’d thought about wearing traditional New Year’s clothing and playing hard… but it was much harder than I thought to play in hakama. But, anyway, the fans were really glad to see us in our costumes, so it was fine.”

-I see. Then, what about the bad way?

Reita “The bad thing was, you know… I stepped on my hems a lot and my sleeves touched my guitar. The costume obstructed my performance. (Laughs.)”

Aoi “(Laughs)”

Reita “Well, it was New Year’s Day, so, I couldn’t do anything about that. (Laughs)”

-Yeah. It was a special occasion. (Laugh) How about you, Aoi?

Aoi “Ummm. I think it was a great honor to perform with so many other artists on the same stage.”

-Then, Ruki?

Ruki “Well… We haven’t had this kind of event for a while, so I enjoyed it a lot. But, how can I say this? I just think we could have done something more interesting. Something more…”

-Do you mean something more for your performance on stage?

Ruki “Well, like, something more musically… I just think I could play more with other bands. I know it may not go well, but, ummm. For the most part, I would be able to enjoy it.”

-Then, we look forward to your collaboration with the other bands during the 20th anniversary event.

Ruki “20th anniversary… We are over 30, but I hope we have that much energy at that time. (Laughs.)”

-Then, how about you, Kai?

Kai “As for the event itself, I was able to enjoy it a lot. But, to be honest, it was New Year’s, so we couldn’t prepare much. It was too hard to have rehearsal. I was relieved when we finished, the moment when we had done our performance.”

-Lastly, you, Uruha.

Uruha “It was our first event in a long time. We were not able to have much time for that, so I feel like it finished very quickly. We’ve been doing one-man shows for a while, so I felt 30 minutes was too short. Like, I could do more, starting now!!”

-About the staging, it was different from other concerts-- 13,000 people surrounding the stage at Budokan from all directions. On such a stage, did you notice anything of special appeal to the GazettE itself?

Ruki “Well, what. I didn’t look back much. I didn’t feel anything special. “

Aoi “I tried not to go on the catwalk a lot, or to be too excited.”

-Not to be too excited?

Aoi “…Well, how can I say this… If I go on the catwalk too much, the band will lose coherency. The audience has to look around the stage. I think it’s not like the GazettE. I want the audience to see and listen to the music our 5 members put together. That’s it.”

-It was a real sight to see all 5 members headbanging in a line together. Did you see the audience headbanging all around you?

Uruha “Uhh, when they headbang, usually we are doing it, too. (Laughs)”

“(Laughs loudly)”

-Certainly…! You shook your heads, too. (laughs)
As Reita said before, wearing hakama was a bit of a mismatch, but somehow suited to you; it turned out great. How did you decide what to wear?

Aoi “Actually, we didn’t have anything to wear at the time. (laughs)”


Uruha “Sweatshirts or hakama (laughs)”

Aoi “Since we had to choose from those two… then, hakama. (laughs)”

Ruki “We only had two choices. (laughs)”

-Then, you played, despite knowing it may be difficult to play in hakama..

Aoi “It was nothing but difficult to play in hakama.”

Uruha “We should have worn sweatshirts…”

Kai “You’re a real stickler for these things. (laughs) Anyway, we had a huge impact.”

-That’s right. All the people in house felt that the GazettE had done something special.
What about your set list? As Uruha said, you only performed 5 songs in 30 minutes. How did you choose those songs?

Ruki “There was the limit on time, and ballad songs take too long…but we expected that when we knew what the event was going to be like. There were other bands, too, so we had to make sure to do something that was unique to our band. You know, that’s the kind of event it is. So… we chose songs that would add some spice to the event itself.”

-By the way! Who would you pick if you chose the MVP of the GazettE from January 3rd?

Aoi “An MVP amongst the members? …Definitely, it’s me.”

-Wow! Yourself!

Reita “So, OK.”

(Everyone laughs)

Aoi “…But, no. I can’t decide by myself! (laughs)”

(Everyone laughs again)

-Oh, didn’t you choose yourself? (laughs)

Aoi “Well… It may be the audience.”

-Wow! Thank you for such a perfect comment. (laughs)

Aoi “Um? (laughs) …Right? Each member has their own role in completing the GazettE… Please make that sentence bold. (laughs)”

-In bold (laughs). Adding “said Aoi.” (laughs)

Aoi “Right. I said so.”

-Any objections? (laughs)

Reita “Nothing at all.”

(Everyone laughs.)”

-You must have had a good start for 2009, spending New Year’s Day with your fans. Please tell us about your schedule from now on. First, you announced a concert at Makuhari Messe on March 10th. Could you tell us about the concert? Why did you schedule this concert?

Ruki “No special reason. We won’t have concerts for a while. (laughs)”

Aoi “Our bank accounts are running out of money…”

Reita “Hey! (laughs)”


Ruki “We’ll release our single around that time, and it’s just our 7th anniversary, anyway. Well, it’s before the release of our single. We thought that we could only do one concert before the release.”

will be continue... *di suru belajar cing !*

a latter from MIYAVI.

i got dis translate from AOI TORI . thx dude ...


Penggemar Saya di seluruh dunia yang tercinta. - MIYAVI's Announcement in Indonesian

Penggemar Saya di seluruh dunia yang tercinta.

Untuk semua Komiyavi
Pertama-tama, selamat hari Valentine!!

Terima kasih untuk waktu kalian, dukungan, dan begitu banyak cinta dari kalian.

Hari ini Saya punya pengumuman yang mungkin agak sedikit tidak enak:

Saya telah memutuskan untuk ‘lulus’ dari PS Company, yang telah menaungi saya selama 10 tahun ini, setelah konser saya di Hibiya Yagai Ongakudo pada tanggal 5 April.

Setelah acara di Budokan pada tanggal 3 Januari, Saya melihat ke arah langit yang begitu tinggi dan luas dan horizon di batas lautan di Okinawa untuk pertama kalinya dalam beberapa tahun ini, dan memutuskan untuk memikirkan tentang hidup saya sendiri selama 10 atau 20 tahun ini.

Memikirkan tentang diri Saya sendiri sebagai seorang artis, bagaimana menghadapi penggemar dan orang-orang yang mendukung saya,

berpikir dan berpikir dan lelah karenanya, tidur sebentar dan saya bangun kemudian berpikir dan berpikir lagi,

mandi, dan berpikir terus,

lalu Saya lapar dan makan makanan yang ringan, kemudian saya berpikir lagi,

Berjalan sepanjang pantai dan terus berpikir,

Kemudian, sebelum saya sadar, ternyata sudah pagi.

Dan saya menyaksikan matahari terbit dari laut
Tanpa berpikir, Saya tiba-tiba saja menangis.

Entah air mata kesedihan atau kebahagiaan

Saya hanya menangis.

Dan memutuskan.

Entah ini adalah hal yang menyedihkan atau menyenangkan

Saya telah membuat sebuah keputusan untuk masa depan gemilang saya sendiri.
Setidaknya, Saya yakin tentang itu.

Saya akan bicara tentang bagaimana dan kenapa dengan cara lain atau semacamnya, suatu saat nanti.

Kami meraih sukses yang begitu besar di konser ulang tahun agensi ini yang ke-10 dan Saya telah memenuhi peran saya sebagai wakil dari semua band yang dinaunginya.
Agensi ini memulai kegiatan di tahun ke-11-nya tanpa masalah apapun.
Itu adalah salah satu dari alasan utama Saya.

Tentu saja, Saya akan terus bernyanyi “Peace&Smile” seperti biasa.

Di atas semuanya, Saya ingin mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih saya kepada Chief Executive Bapak Ozaki yang terkejut mendengar hal ini tapi mengerti setelah penjelasan dari Saya.
Kepada semua staff yang telah bekerja dengan darah, keringat, dan air mata untuk menjadi tangan, kaki, dan terkadang menjadi tubuh Saya, terima kasih, terima kasih banyak.

Saya tahu bahwa tak peduli jalan apa yang Saya pilih, jalan itu pasti sulit.
Jadi Saya rasa Saya harus hidup dengan cara yang tidak akan Saya sesali ketika Saya melihat kembali ke belakang pada 10 atau 20 tahun yang akan datang.

Saya harap kita akan bisa memiliki mimpi yang begitu manis dibandingkan cokelat yang bisa membuat lubang di gigi kita.
Saya harap kita bisa memiliki mimpi yang MANIS.

Selamat hari Braintine.




kado ultah dari mikazu~ *kiss*

Title : Not just an Ordinary Love....... (oneshot)
Author : MeDusA a.k.a Mikazuki Mirai a.k.a Yakuza
Genre : Romance
Rating : PG
Warning : bahasa gado-gado.. hohoho *evil laugh*
Pairing : AoixKanon *cuih!*
Word Count : 1.570 words
Disclaimer : I AM A LIAR !! trust me !!
Comment : ini adalah birthday fic yang sudah amat sangat super duper telat !!

Not just an Ordinary ♥....

Malam yang dingin di pertengahan januari, seorang wanita muda dengan tergesa melangkahkan kaki berhias high-hells 5cm-nya di tengah hujan salju malam itu, barang-barang yang ia bawa ikut serta memperlambat langkahnya, setelah jalanan yang licin hampir membuat wanita muda ini terpeleset, namun senyum bahagia terlukis di wajah cantiknya. Langkahnya terhenti saat melihat iklan pada layar LCD di salah gedung pusat perbelanjaan.

“the GazettE, live in Starbucks cafe at january 19th, 10.00pm-01.00am.. don’t miss it!”

Senyumnya memudar perlahan...

“Pasti itu untuk merayakan ulang tahun Aoi kun!” jerit seorang gadis belia di sebelah wanita itu dengan histeris.

“Kita harus nonton !!” sambut teman gadis tadi tak kalah histeris. Dan mereka segera berlalu meninggalkan wanita muda yang masih menatap nanar layar LCD yang sudah di gantikan dengan Breaking News itu.

“He is a superstar..”

Ia tersenyum pilu, dan segera melanjutkan perjalanannya, namun sekarang tak lagi tergesa, seakan tak ada lagi beban di kedua tangannya yang masih penuh dengan tas-tas belanjaan.

Ponselnya berdering~


“Ka-chan i’m so...”

“Wakatta Aoi..”

“Sungguh, aku tidak tau mereka akan mengadakan acara ini!!”

“I said, i understand..”

“Kanon, i’m so sorry...”

“hiks.. Don’t say that words.. hiks”

“A-are you ok, sweetheart?!”

“Y-yeah..hiks.. i’m so damn ok, have fun this night.. hiks.. bye!”

“Wait!! I promise, kita akan merayakan ulang tahun kita, hanya berdua.. trust me ...”

“Don’t ever promised the promise that you can’t make it done, Aoi... hiks.. hiks.”


“You’ve much something to do on this lovely night.. hiks.. you know where you can find me then..hiks.. bye!”

Air matanya tak dapat lagi di bendung oleh kelopaknya, ia duduk berjongkok di tengah trotoar yang penuh dengan orang-orang yang berlalu lalang dan menatapnya heran, tapi dia tak peduli itu, bahkan air matanya makin deras seiring makin lebatnya salju yang turun. Kenapa ia harus menangis? Why she felt so lonely? She have really fall to pieces, ia bahkan tidak lagi bisa mengingat seperti apa paras pria yang sangat ia cintai. Hanya menangis yang bisa ia lakukan, ia sungguh merasa seperti salju di tengah musim semi yang siap meleleh dan menghilang kapan saja.

Ia beralih pada jam digital yang melingkar di pergelangan tangannya yang tertutup mantel. 09.50pm, hatinya begitu ngilu, tapi tak ada lagi air mata yang ingin turun, lantas ia segera melanjutkan langkahnya dengan gontai, menyusuri trotoar yang hampir tertutup salju sepenuhnya.

Hampir 5 tahun ia menjalani hidup bersama Aoi, tapi tak pernah sekalipun mereka merayakan ulang tahun mereka bersama, hanya sedikit waktu luang yang mereka habiskan bersama, seakan mereka telah membangun dinding pemisah di antara mereka, dinding pemisah yang berlapiskan rindu dan kesedihan. Dan hanya mereka sendirilah yang dapat menghancurkan dinding itu. Bahkan wanita muda ini sempat berpikir bahwa mereka memang tidak ditakdirkan untuk bersama, ironis.

Langkahnya mengantarkan wanita muda ini ke sebuah tempat, bukan ke apartemen mewah dimana ia dan Aoi tinggal, tapi ke sebuah pantai tempat ia pertama kali bertemu seorang Shiroyama Yuu yang sedang menemukan jalannya untuk menjadi seorang Aoi. Sejujurnya ia lah yang pertama kali mendengar harapan dan mimpi Aoi untuk bisa sampai seperti sekarang.

Ia duduk di tanah yang sudah tertutupi salju, hanya orang gila yang pergi ke pantai saat musim dingin, tapi memang begitulah ia sekarang. Ia duduk memeluk lutut, menyembunyikan tubuh ringkiknya di dalam mantel yang sedikit kebesaran. Dan mencoba mengingat kembali kenangan manis itu..

“Excuse me..”

“Oh! Yeah,“

“Hey, dude.. kau menghalangi objek ku.”

“Ups, sorry.. wow! Kau fotografer?!”

“, Cuma hobi..”

“I see.. What is your name anyway?”

“Kanon, you?”

“I’m Yuu..but, just call me Aoi..”

“Ok Aoi, what are you doin’ here? Stare at the sunset in winter, such a hopeless man?.”

“Ahahahaha.. Yeah girl, i am the hopeless man himself who tryed to get his dreams.”

“Dreams? Kau harus tidur dulu, baru bisa bermimpi.”
The man chuckles. “What?”

“I can dreamed when i sleep, but i can dreamed without sleep too, you know!”

“Whoooaa. .then, should i question what Mr. Yuu’s dreams are?”

“Yes, please..”

“So what?!”

“Aku cinta gitar lebih dari pendidikanku.. is that weird?”

“I won’t answer that question..”

“Hahahaha.. you are so funny Ka-chan.. ehm, back to the case..aku merasa gitar sudah jadi bagian dari nyawaku, aku ingin menunjukkan bahwa aku bisa membuat dunia ikut tersenyum bersamaku dan separuh nyawaku, aku ingin membuat mereka ikut merasakan indahnya hidup ini, ingin membuat mereka bisa bernyanyi bersamaku, aku ingin membuktikan kehebatan gitarku....”

“Coooooll !!”

“Terima kasih, baru kau yang berkata seperti itu, keluargaku bilang aku sudah gila...”
pemuda itu terkekeh geli. “Kau tau? Mungkin ini kedengaran mengerikan... tapi aku sungguh merasa dekat dengan mu.. entahlah..”

“I think so.. sejujurnya aku orang yang sulit bersosialisasi, entahlah, aku merasa seperti sudah lama mengenalmu.. hehehehe...”
mereka terkekeh bersama.

“Kanon Chan.. today is my birthday...” aku pemuda berambut hitam pekat itu.

“KISEKI !!” pekik kanon takjub

“Hell, you wanna kill me, huh?!”

“G-gomen.. i-i just a bit shock, really ?! oh, shit !!”
the girl grumbled on herself, membuat pemuda di dekatnya bertanya-tanya heran.

“Is there something wrong, Ka-chan?!”

“T-today is my b-birthday too...”
ujar Kanon akhirnya, walau masih dengan raut yang menyiratkan bahwa dia sedang shock berat.

“Wow! Kebetulan sekali..” pemuda itu juga ikut terkejut rupanya. “Kalu begitu.. Happy Birthday to you,..”

“Yeah, you too, tanjoubi omedeto, nee~..”
dan sekarang they both burst on laughed. “Ao- kun, shall we take a picture together!”

“Whoooaa.. that’s my pleasure your highness..”


“Look, Ao-kun.. Sugoi desu yo !!”
the girl amazed

“Er~ Ka-chan.. saat aku sukses nanti, kita pasti akan bertemu lagi..”

“Tentu saja! Kau tidak boleh melupakan ku, hehehhe...” the man chuckles. “So..tidak berakhir sampai di sini saja kan ?!”

“No, Kanon, never... “

“I miss you, miss you so bad.. Yuu.. hiks”

Sunyi, bahkan deburan ombak tak mau menemaninya. Ia terlarut dalam sedihnya sendiri.


11.50pm, hujan salju telah mereda, begitu pula dengan kesedihan yang sedari tadi melanda wanita muda. Dan sekarang ia berdiri di tepian pantai yang airnya sedingin kulkas itu. Memandang jauh menembus pekatnya malam di pertengahan musim dingin itu.

“Sepuluh menit lagi Yuu, and now i’m standing here and waiting in the dark, this night is so damn cold, Yuu. Make me realize.. i must learn to stand up for my self. Couse i know, you can’t always be around me...” air mata kembali mengalir melewati pipi pucatnya, Kanon sungguh telah mencoba tegar selama 5 tahun ini, ia sungguh merasa jauh dengan pria yang telah memilikinya lahir dan batin itu.

Alarm ponselnya berbunyi~

12.00 am

“I hope you can hear me, Yuu..” ia menangkupkan ke dua tangannya dan memejamkan mata.. “Tuhan, aku berharap separuh nyawaku bisa terus ada di sisiku dan selalu menemaniku. Amin.”

“Now is my turn..” ujar seseorang yang sudah berdiri di sampingnya dan melakukan hal sama seperti wanita muda itu, “Tuhan, aku harap aku bisa selalu ada di sisinya, dan menjadi separuh nyawanya. Amin”


“Y-yuu..” Kanon tak dapat menyembunyikan rasa takjubnya, karena sekarang separuh nyawanya yang hampir melayang sejak 5 tahun lalu itu sedang berdiri tepat di depannya. “You... hiks..hiks..”

Aoi menarik Kanon mendekat, menyembunyikan wanita yang ia cintai itu di balik pelukannya, berusaha membuat Kanon hangat di balik mantelnya. Seakan angin malam akan menerbangkan wanita yang sudah menjadi separuh nyawanya itu, Aoi makin mempererat pelukannya. And so does kanon. .

“Today is the day, i pray that we can break the wall that we’ve built together. I’m smal and this world’s big, but I’m not afraid of anything, and i don’t need much of anyting, i just wanna be your side. Couse i’m in love with you, my angel. There has been no one brighter than you , how am i supposed to be that king withoutyou.. you, half of soul..” pelukannya makin erat, Aoi telah mengungkapkannya, kata-kata yang ia simpan selama 5 tahun.

Simple, but he has not just an ordinary love.

“I love you Aoi, love you so very much. Couse you’re the only one i’d be with till the end. When i come undone, would you bring me back again? Back under the stars, and back into your arms, Aoi?”

“Yeah, i would..”

Aoi then place a slow yet careful kiss on Kanon’s lips and the fragile framed woman return the kiss in same pace. The kiss was so sad, so sweet yet so gentle and Aoi have to hold an urge to take his words back.. Aoi took the kiss willingly, careful not to break that tiny body in his arms. The kiss seems to forever as Kanon lean back and touch Aoi’s flawless cheek.

Simple, but they have not just an ordinary love.

The kiss ended so slowly and Kanon pat Aoi’s shoulder.

“Kau kabur, ya?!”

“Did I ?!”


“Ok ma’am.. aku kabur.. hehehe..”

“You are a bastard, Aoi!”

“Of course i’m not!! Aku hanya memenuhi janji ku, dear..”


“I never promised the promise that i can’t make it done..” the man whispered in Kanon’s cold ear.

“Thanks, Yuu..” Kanon kembali memeluk Aoi, seakan tak mau lagi melepaskannya.

“No sweetheart, seharusnya akulah yang harus berterima kasih, berkat kau satu lagi mimpiku bisa terwujud..”

“What was that?!”

“Aku ingin menunjukkan bahwa aku bisa membuat dunia ikut tersenyum bersamaku dan separuh nyawaku..”

“Yuu..” the woman amazed

“What? I just...” and before he can speak much, Kanon’s lips sealed his.

For snows they have their own time....
Starting from now when 5 years have passed..
all the things we are struggling now, we will struggle again..
and we will meet the same people as we meet before...
I think, i would like to meet you again ...

~~Mikazuki Mirai~~


_MeDusA_ (^o^)//_

A/N: KYA KYA KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ! ! sankyuu yia medusaaaa ! XDDD diriku terkesan seperti gadis lemah dan kawaii ! padahal aselinyaaaa~ = =a . TERIMA KASIH SANGAT ! XD


MINNA, miss you so bad...

blablabla... *just speak up!*

minna san, konbanwa... *guw nulis ini malem malem okey?*

sebenernya guw ga ada maksut apa apa sih nulis beginian.
cuman bingung mau update apaan blog guw ini... rasanya keak ga ke urus aje...
MAKIN JARANG NGEPOST! well, emang sih...
coba kalian liat di data arsip guw, jaman baru bikin getol banget dah ngisi ni blog dengan sok sokan bikin diary *norak sumpah*, getol bikin penpik, isi informasi ga penting... TvT

tapi lama lama bosen juja~
sama halnya keak epes, LJ, multiply, lautan en pesbuk guw ... tak terawat ! asal bikin doang, bi itu kagak inget apa passwordnya...

penting ga sih guw bikin keak ginian? =..=a


How can I decide what's right
When you're clouding up my mind?
I can't win your losing fight
All the time.

Nor can I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride.
No, not this time.
Not this time.

How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well.
But how did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue.
Just boiling in my blood.
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are,
If you're a man at all.
Well, I will figure this one out
On my own.
(I'm screaming, "I love you so.")
On my own.
(My thoughts you can't decode)

How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah.
But how did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools
Of ourselves.
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools
Of ourselves.


How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah.
How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well.
I think I know.
I think I know.

There is something I see in you.
It might kill me.
I want it to be true.

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