JSHOXX: Thank You very much for your time, and very nice to meet you.
vistlip: very nice to meet you as well.
JSHOXX: Please introduce yourselves to our readers
vistlip: My name is Tomo, Vocal, I am Yuh, Guitar, I am Umi, Guitar, I am Rui, Bass Guitar, "I am Tohya, Drums (English)" (Laughter follows from all)
JSHOXX: Who and how did you come up with the name vistlip and how did vistlip come about?
Yuh: we took vista and the word lip, and combined the two to make vistlip meaning visual, and sound from the lip.
JSHOXX: why is it important to spell vistlip in lowercase alphabet is it very important to the way you spell it?
Yuh: (laughs, and replies in joking manner) well if vistlip is spelled Vistlip, it is not vistlip (laughs). We were actually in a family restaurant trying to come up with the name using a napkin, looking over many words, and found vista (a view, a beautiful view) & lip. We decided to use small "v" because we wanted to combine vista & lip to make vistlip with the "t" meaning "plus". So basically it is vis (shortened the vista to vis) + lip. If we used a capital V, we could not use the "t" as a plus symbol. So that's how the name vistlip came about, with every letter being lowercase.
JSHOXX: Can you go over a track title on your album "Revolver", and give us a little origin of the song/s?
Tomo: before vistlip was formed each one of us had a few already written songs about 20 all together (whisper from other band members, ummm maybe just 16 Laughter breaks out)we wish we could say 100 songs (laughter breaks out again) whatever it was it was a lot (more laughter from the band). We had a meeting at Yuh's house and all agreed upon 5 songs from everyone’s list, by basically asking "who likes raise there hand"(Laughter breaks out).
Edy: EDY basically is the song that made each one of us here "vistlip", the song was already written (Yuh Guitar), and I had a vision of the band with this song, when I played it for the rest of us here, EDY would be the sound of vistlip.
JSHOXX: So basically EDY was the song that brought together vistlip?
vistlip: pretty much, and gave us the inspiration to carry forward together as a band.
JSHOXX: What's the main concept of vistlip?
Yuh: Concept? There really is no "concept" for vistlip. Everyone in the band has different musical backgrounds and influences, so to say one concept, there is none. vistlip is based on all of us contributing different ideas and musical taste, so if we label a concept for vistlip we can not be creative with our music and would always have to focus around one concept. So if we had a concept and changed our mind it wouldn't be good (Laughter breaks out). We always work very free with our creativity and do not want to focus on one area.
Tomo: I see there is an industrial stereotype. I want to break the stereotype so that I can bring a different type of music into our songs to compose something new. That’s my concept of vistlip.
JSHOXX: How was the band formed?
Yuh: At First, Vocal Tomo, Bass Rui, and Guitar Yuh were the original member for the band. The Song EDY was also created around this time. The song was pure raw material and it wasn’t even musically arranged at the time. We were looking for new members by using EDY as our sample music. Then we found Guitar Umi. By the way, we have known each other (all of 5 members) even before we formed vistlip.
JSHOXX: How was your first impression when you listened to EDY?
Umi: They brought out the sample to me and I had to listen to that at the very noisy surrounding. Honestly I could not listen to that very closely (Laughter). So I had been talking with Tomo on the phone since the first meeting, and we talked about the direction and future of the band for hours and hours. Not to mention, I demanded the sample CD for EDY! The music, rhythm, and everything else was so close to what I wanted to do. Tohya(drums) and I had a different offer for a band at the time so we were working together. So I decided to bring Tohya along to the next meeting without informing him. It was kind of a blind date. (Laughter)
Yuh: From my point of view, Umi was acting very hesitant to join our band, but we, as original three, knew from our heart that he would join with us. The question was how we would make him say “YES”. Then the day of destiny came. July 7thof 2007!
JSHOXX: Tohya, what was your take on EDY as your 1st impression?
Tohya: When I listened to the song, I was so amazed and I had a goose-bumps. I even started to rearrange the song.
JSHOXX: Who was each of your influences growing up?
Yohya: There are many (laughs), Luna Sea was real cool, Janne da Arc, ummmm pretty much that's it(laughter breaks out because not so many) favorite song.....I like vistlip songs (laughter breaks out) EDY is the favorite.
Rui: I have many.....L'arc En Ciel made me want to be in a band. I heard Luna Sea songs from my Sisters room and really liked it. I pretty much listen to almost everything. I like punk (laughter breaks out from rest of band teases him because the songs he writes and influences are not punk).
JSHOXX: What's your favorite punk band?
Rui: ummmmmmmmm well...(Laughter breaks out and band members tease him again "You really like punk?") I just like to listen to it, doesn’t matter who. I never really pay attention to who is playing, I just listen to it on either itunes or my pc.
Umi: Limp Bizkit, I didn't like the rock and hip hop combination until I heard them. My friend forced me to listen to them, and I was really surprised and thought it was really cool. vistlip right now kind of does a lot of music mixtures. Linkin Park is another influence that made me change my musical style. But I didn't really bring any songs to vistlip (band laughs)
Yuh: My number one guitar influence was X-Japan's hide. Many know about hide, but I like his "live" style as a solo artist, and his music writing. After I was influenced by hide, I also started listening to bands like Linkin Park, also some hip hop like Eminem because hip hop music always had strong messages. Not only about love, but peace, and everything.
Tomo: Dir en grey influenced me to start a more visual style. Especially vocal from Dir en Grey, even though we are not like Dir en grey style. I brought a more hip hop style to vistlip. (Interruption from band member "ahhhh I remember who I like B'z, Stockholm Syndrome (band laughs because of interruption).
JSHOXX: no problem we will add it (everyone laughs)
vistlip: (joking) I like Dream Shutter please add it.
JSHOXX: ok we will add it (laughing again)
JSHOXX: Who's Idea was the Chain effect in EDY? BTW I think it was very cool video.
Umi: We had a lot of ideas for the video, and then I suggested the Chain's as a joke, and the director thought it was good idea.
Yuh: Even though Umi hasn't brought any songs to vistlip, he brings us his creativity for example, the video, costumes, and CD Jacket. Aactually we had the idea of the chains, but didn't know how it would exactly look, when we showed up for the video all the chains were in place, and we were like "WOW Cool", however it was difficult to move during the video.
JSHOXX: With your album Revolver and up coming singles, what's your favorite song to play "live"?
Tohya: (speaks English "please tell me") actually all the songs, but if we had to pick one, it would be "the surface" because the crowd really gets into it. Because I am the drummer I can see everyone and get to see the reaction of the band, and the audience at the same time. (Band members laugh not realizing there drummer actually was paying attention)
vistlip: One song I really like a lot is called "Master", however it is unreleased and we only play it at our live shows. So if you want to hear it, please come to see us "live". Another song we do only at live shows is "Cherry".
JSHOXX: Why only live?
Yuh: No reason, kind of special for our fans that see us live.
JSHOXX: Once the chance for vistlip to come to the U.S., or is there any current plans to tour outside of Japan?
Tomo: No plan right now. Please invite us! It's mainly up to our fans and listener's that are listening & reading this right now. We have a huge passion to tour around the world. We want to try to go to US as soon as possible. There are a lot of things we can learn by touring the US. Right now please invite us, and we will work hard to come see you and play for you.
Umi: yes I want to eat American Steak!, but I'm scared of flying (band members joke "to go by boat or swim") yeah but I get sea sick too & can not swim (laughter breaks out)
vistlip: (Jokes) If we come to the U.S., we will make a cardboard stand up of Umi, since he can not fly, or swim to the U.S. (Laughter breaks out)
Umi: Wait, I'll go by bicycle!
JSHOXX: Do you have anything to say to your fans across the world?
Yuh: It doesn't matter how old you are, sex, religion, nationality, we want to play for you. Please support us. We hope you can be with us as we grow so we can grow together. Ganbarimasu~! "Whisper English Spoken: "I Love You" (Laughter breaks out)
Tomo: We get many fan letters outside of Japan, and it means so much to us. Because of our fans, we are here. And we thank you very much. We hope we can soon see you face to face and play Live for you. We will work hard to come and see you. Please wait, and if you can not wait for us to come to you, please come to Japan and see us.
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